Spring Clean

Today we had a large group of supporters come to the monastery to perform a Spring clean, remove all the garbage that was left from the previous inhabitants, plant flowers, clear brush, etc. Some photos are up at Google+ here:...


A little late this year, they say, but Spring seems to have found Winnipeg at last. Today we were outside doing walking and sitting meditation; yesterday I found an old tree-stand and did some treetop meditation in the forest. Snow is almost gone, last night was the...

Up To Speed

So, we have high-speed Internet again… uploading videos now, starting with a short tour of our new monastery. We also have an album up on Google+ with photos: https://plus.google.com/photos/118014954414967440482/albums/5853513363142404497 Monk Radio will start...

Home Sweet Shed

Tonight I’m in my new shed-turned-kuti.  Very well renovated, baseboard heater, wall-to-wall carpeting, no complaints.  Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen.  I think we can officially allow women to come to stay and meditate now.  One woman is...

Great Expectations

“Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule.” ― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Saturday we move in to our new monastery. Today we pack everything up and tomorrow we move things. We will also take a look at the garage and...