Lessons in Practical Buddhism

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This book is based on a sample of audio and video teachings originally given via YouTube and as part of various local meditation courses. An attempt has been made (by myself and others) to rework the material into a suitable form for reading; it is certain more work needs to be done to make a professional work, but the present edition is a best effort in the time available and hopefully better than nothing. All faults in the work are my own responsibility, especially the rambling style of some of the chapters, which hopefully a professional editor can some day help to pare down to a proper length.

Much thanks and appreciation to those people who have helped to make this book possible: my parents who were my first teachers, my teacher and preceptor, Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo, and those kind beings who were the transcribers and editors of this material for the purpose of putting together this book.

For more information on my activities and original audio and video teachings, please visit my weblog or my YouTube channel.

My hope in putting together this book is that more people may benefit from the teachings of the Buddha on a practical level; it seems to me proper that if one wishes to live in peace and happiness, it behoves one to work to spread peace and happiness in the world in which one lives.

May all beings be happy.

November 13th, 2012 CE

Chapter List: