All instruction and dissemination of meditation practice material offered here are free of charge, and we never expect anything in return.

There are costs involved in running courses, creating and distributing Dhamma materials, as well as running and maintaining a meditation centre. For this reason, people often ask if there is a way they may support our organization. Below is a list of ways you may support our work.
Persons wishing to donate monetary support for our projects may donate to Sirimangalo International, our charity registered in Ontario, Canada. Donations will be generally used to support our meditation centre as well as our online teachings including our YouTube broadcasts and this website.
Donate Via PayPal Giving Fund (CAD) – Preferred
Donating through PayPal Giving Fund ensures your full donation makes it to the organization, as we incur no fees on donations through this platform (you may incur a currency conversion fee from your financial institution). Please note that donations through this platform are in Canadian Dollars. Unfortunately, there is no way to set up a recurring payment through this platform.
Donate or Subscribe Via PayPal (USD)
The button below will allow you to donate US Dollars to our organization in a one-time payment or monthly subscription. We incur a fee of 1.6% + $0.30 on each donation, plus an additional fee to convert to Canadian dollars. Use the options below if you have a strong preference for donating in USD, or would like to set up a monthly recurring donation.
Bank Transfer
You may donate directly to Sirimangalo International by international (or local) bank transfer. If you would like to make a bank transfer directly with your bank, please contact us.
Supporting Venerable Yuttadhammo
Those who wish to support Venerable Yuttadhammo beyond the material requisites may visit our Discord server (in particular, the #requisites-dana and #food-dana channels), where we keep record of some other items that would be good for him to receive. If the list has no items on it, rest assured that it is because everything needed has been procured.
Dissemination of the Teaching
Aside from monetary donation, simply helping to spread the word about us and our website, distributing our video, audio and written materials are also valuable ways to contribute. Our book on How to Meditate is a good start for anyone interested in meditation in this tradition, so passing it on to others would be a great help for our work.
Thank you to all of those generous beings who have already supported us thus far, and may all find peace, happiness and freedom from suffering.