Let’s See

Lots of news… first, my brain seems to have rewired itself following the dengue fever, so apologies if this comes out muddled. It looks like I’ll be in Canada in January… Ajaan wants me to go quickly and set up a monastery as soon as possible.  He...


(a.k.a. a log from overseas) Just finished our course at Chom Tong, off to Chiang Mai to tie up some loose ends, then Bangkok to get visas and do some little teaching before our trip home. The ten-day course was the best birthday gift ever; Ajaan was recovering from...

April Showers

…bring May flowers? Being born in May makes me conceited about that saying, though this year if the showers are any indication, the flowers must be dreadful. The past two nights we’ve lost a pump, a dozen lightbulbs, a fan, a breaker, and the adapter to...

Happy ‘nother Year

Yep, it’s a year again. Some newness for us, though, worth mentioning… First, we’re on a new server now; it’s still a bit unstable, not sure why, but we’re now running a 64-bit operating system, which should help with memory issues (live...