by Sirimangalo Author | Nov 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
Phalanyani arrived yesterday; maybe she can join the radio session Sunday. She went on alms this morning, taking my old route, getting at least as much food as I get. Me and Nick went trouncing through the jungle to find the old path to the other village, ended up...
by Sirimangalo Author | Nov 8, 2011 | Uncategorized
Today the slab went up on the two new rooms – it looked like it would never be finished when on alms round we had to crawl under a massive coconut tree that had taken out the power lines last night. But, we have a great group of workers who worked tirelessly...
by Sirimangalo Author | Nov 5, 2011 | Uncategorized
Tomorrow is Kathina at our monastery, I think… I don’t know, because no one has told me yet… I think it’s supposed to be a surprise. I do know that 20 monks are coming for breakfast. I’ll be going on alms though, not sure how that fits in...
by Sirimangalo Author | Sep 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
It’s been a bit of whirlwind here lately, lots of stuff, all of it positive. The danger now is in becoming attached to good things and being set up for inevitable disappointment. Anyway, sukho puññassa uccayo and all that, so let us rejoice in our goodness,...
by Sirimangalo Author | Sep 6, 2011 | Uncategorized
Well, we’re back on track – an eight-man construction crew hacking apart, tearing up, making a mess that will eventually turn into a new meditation centre. Today the steps to the downstairs cave were rebuilt, most of the old meditation area floor was...