Lucky Day

Today is the new year, or tomorrow is, depending who we listen to… Friday the 13th too. The-yogi-formerly-known-as-Jens arrived this week, and has taken up the role of groundskeeper; he and Manju have begun work on one of the more slippery forest paths and took...

Visas, Monks and Such

The bhikkhuni and the samanera finally got residence visas, after a tense showdown with an immigration official. It seems like we were just shuffled along from one person to another until finally we arrived at this man who basically told us he wasn’t prepared to...

Late Haiku

wild, untameable dense, impen’trable thicket forest of the mind Two rooms with washrooms are now complete.  Two more are liveable, leaking roof, no washrooms.  Still two caves, makes six.  An old meditator is coming on Sunday, we’ve an appointment with...