Teachings / Books
Here is a list of textual teachings on this site:
Vipassana Meditation
Translated from the Thai teachings of Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo
Benefits of Vipassana
Translated from the Thai teachings of Phra Dhammadhirarajamahamuni (Jodok Nyanasiddhi PDh. 9)
How To Meditate
This is a version of our How To Meditate videos in edited book format by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu
How To Meditate II
Material designed for the advanced meditator who has already begun to put into practice the teachings of the first volume.
Lessons in Practical Buddhism
This book is based on a sample of audio and video teachings originally given via YouTube and as part of various local meditation courses.
Mahasi Sayadaw’s Teachings
Here is a list of books by the Most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw that are hosted by Sirimangalo International.
Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu’s Teachings
Frequently Asked Meditation Questions
Here is a list of questions about the meditation practice I teach that get asked frequently enough to warrant inclusion in such a list.