Call for Volunteers

There are many ways to support Sirimangalo International, from monetary support to the giving of direct effort. The society is grateful for any assistance given, in any form.

Herein, please find the specific opportunities for volunteer support. If you are able to contribute in such a fashion, please use the Contact form or join our Discord chat and drop a message into #join-volunteer-team that you are interested in volunteering, and a moderator will help to on-board you.

Open-Source Software Development

​Project: Meditation+ (Website, Source)
Technologies: Golang, JavaScript, MySQL, Bootstrap

Project: Digital Pali Reader (Website, Source)
Technologies: JavaScript, Knockout

Proejct: Bodhi Timer (Google Play, Source)
Technologies: Android Development with Kotlin

Project: Infrastructure
Technologies: Docker Compose deployments, Nextcloud, GitLab Pipelines

Video editing

Those skilled in editing video, especially as it is shared on YouTube, can help us to construct videos informing interested parties of the various services offered by our organization.


Those who have fluency in English as well as another language may offer to help create captions in that language, to improve the accessibility of Venerable Yuttadhammo’s video teachings to the worldwide community of Buddhists.